Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Highlights of my life (well, of the past 2 weeks...)

Lost Hebrew Dog?  Poor guy...
Dome of the Rock
This is under the Homos Ecces Convent.  It is some of the original Roman road that Christ walked on, on his way to Calvary.
I know I know I know...I might or might not be the world's most terrible blogger--I'm sorry, okay? But here I am now, repenting, and updating this blog!
So, I've officially been in Jerusalem for 2 weeks now--and can I just say that it's been 2 of the most incredible weeks ever? But seriously...let me give you some highlights:

1) The Muslim call to prayer--so beautiful!! And it's different every time. I love it. It was especially cool tonight--I stopped mid-step and just listened for a little bit :)

2) Sitting next to an olive tree in the quiet side of the Garden of Gethsemane, singing hymns quietly to myself, and reading my patriarchal blessing.

3)Getting rocks thrown at me by a little Palestinian boy...

4) Daily confidence boosts that come from local Arab guys saying "You're beautiful"...."Hello sweetheart"...."BYU? I love you!" (haha, not really a confidence boost--mostly just funny, and kinda creepy sometimes..)

5) Pita bread with peanut butter and nutella (my new favorite addiction...)

6) Playing "Ride that Pony" with a bunch of Israeli soldiers....and doing the worm in the middle of the the Western Wall...

7) Celebrating the Jewish Independence Day with all the local Jews--dancing and singing the night away--and watching the fireworks

8) Fieldtrip to Jericho--as in THE Jericho...where Joshua fought the battle....and the walls came tumblin' down...

9) Fieldtrip to the Wadi Qelt (aka The Road to Jericho) (aka The Valley of the Shadow of Death)

10) Falafel...need I say more?

11) George, the Palestinian security guard at the Jerusalem Center (he is going to teach me how to break someone's arm in 3 seconds flat)

12) Teaching the 4 and 5 year olds in the Jerusalem Branch primary

13) CATS! There are at least a billion cats in Jerusalem...and I hate cats...but I've started taking pictures of every cat I see and in the end I'm going to make a calendar. I'll name it something like "Cats of Jerusalem" or "Felines of the Holy Land" or "Jewish Cats" or "Muslim Cats" or "Nasty Whiskered Creatures at Famous Places in Jerusalem"...

14) The Old City--and how much it reminds me of's so cool!!!

15) The view from my bedroom

There are a million more highlights...but I'll wait for another day to tell you about hold yer horses (Dad!) I love you all and miss you all! But I am SOO HAPPY and SOO BLESSED to be here! Have a stellar day :)

p.s. I tried to upload pictures, but the internet was being so slow...but I'll keep trying!!


  1. oh i guess the pictures actually DID upload-cool!

  2. I love you!! You are fantastic!!! I am so glad you're having a great time! Thanks for sharing your beautiful self!!!

  3. there are SOOO MANY CATS! haha, i totally forgot! and reading your blog makes me remember so many things! I love it! and, did I mention I'm jealous?! Don't think I've told you that yet ;) love you!

  4. Tim, I LOVE reading about your rocking adventures in Israel! sounds like you are having a blast! have a GREAT time!

  5. Kimberly!! It sounds like you are having so much fun. I wish I was still abroad... kind of. Also, I have some news for you... do you have an email? and I laughed about the kid throwing rocks at you. Haha.....

  6. Kim, sounds like you are having an awesome and spiritual time there. That is great. Keep enjoying and soaking up every second. Stay safe.
